Monday, December 29, 2008

I am going to be so embarrassed by this blog one day!

When I woke up this morning, Mommy showed me this cool chart she made for me. She knows I just love Dora! She explained to me that when I go poop or pee pee in the potty, I get to put a sticker on my chart. Neat!
I just love stickers! I have to work on getting me some!

Yay! I got my first sticker!

Got my second one twenty minutes later! This is going to be a breeze!

I can't fit in this thing anymore. I am so bummed!

I like it when Daddy lets me sit up here. I can see everything!

Looking for a snack. Mommy walked around the corner and caught me in the fridge.

Such a big girl!


My first pigtails ever!

Go Steelers!

Yes. That is Froggy. :)
We're Daddy's little Steelers!

Stylin' and profilin'

Stylin' and profilin'!

Mom tells me my smile lights her world up and gives her the warm fuzzies. I am not sure what a warm fuzzy is, but it sounds nice!

Daddy calls this my 'Braveheart' shot. So funny!

I'm growing up!

An evening walk with Mom and Dad

I love going on walks! It is one of my favorite things to do. I convinced Mom and Dad to take me on one one night after Daddy got off of work. This is Dad and I bundled up.
I love wearing my fuzzy hat. It keeps me so warm!

Silly girls!

Mommy painted my fingernails earlier in the day and I was showing Daddy.

Monkey see, froggy do

Mommy says all monkeys eat 'nanas!

Swimming in a sea of frogs.
These are all of my babies and each one has a name...