Monday, September 22, 2008

Lola Gets A Baby Sister

Mommy and Daddy have been talking about someone named Maggie for so long, I just assumed that that is what we were calling Mom's tummy. You can imagine my surprise when I finally got to meet my brand new sister! I wanted to give her a kiss as soon as I saw her!

I really wanted to share my chocolate chip cookie with Maggie.

This is me, my dad, and my brand new sister Maggie Mae. My dad looks really happy, doesn't he?

I wanted to hold Maggie and mommy said she would help me, but when I got her in my arms, I got nervous. She is so little! I am glad I got to hold her, though. I love her so much!

It was weird to see mommy changing someone else's diaper. It's been just me for so long. Mommy asked me if I wanted to be a big girl and help her throw Maggie's diaper away like I throw away my own? I did it all by myself! Mommy also helped me put a diaper on Froggy. We are such silly girls!

I love my mommy and daddy very much and have had so much fun getting big and learning from them. But I have to say, I am really excited about having a little sister and getting to show her everything I know. We are going to have so much fun together, Maggie and I. Getting a sister was the best gift ever!

Playing with Bridgette

Mommy caught me under the table! I was trying to give Bridgette one of my animal crackers.

Looking like Mommy

My dad says that I have never looked more like my mommy than I do right here.