Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Daddy was making a cake and he let me help him use the mixer. Then he let me have a taste.

So yummy!


I love my sister Maggie so much. She's my best friend!


Maggie is hanging out watching me. Froggy too!

Mom told me I could get as messy as I wanted! Cool!

The paint feels weird on my fingers, but I like it!

Making pretty shapes...

My beautiful art. ;)

Backpack! Backpack!

Mommy, Maggie and I were on one of our fun trips to Target and mommy found this cool backpack for me. You should have heard how mommy squeeled in delight when she saw it! She told me I must have it, and thast we couldn't just not get it. :)

I asked Daddy to take me on a walk and Mommy helped me get my new backpack on. The coolest part about it all is that my best friend, Froggy, can fit inside. Now he can go on walks with me too!

I wish Daddy would hurry up and finish up in the office. I am ready to go!

Okay! Let's go!

Trying to decide which way to go...

Bye mom! See you later!

This is so cool!

Their future's so bright...

...they've gotta wear shades!